Here's a picture of Josh and me with our blue cupcake. More on that little party once we get the pictures back from our photographer. For now we'll just stick with an instagram photo.
How far along: 20 weeks (11/15/2012)
Weight Gain: 8 lbs total
Produce Aisle: Approximately the size of a banana (7 in & 11 oz -according to my app). The ultrasound tech thinks I'm closer to 21 weeks and that they baby is more like 14 oz.)
Maternity Clothes: The H&M Mama line is totally hit or miss. This past week it was for sure a hit! I got a cotton red dress that will be great for layering and the outfit I'm wearing in this week's photo. The price point is fabulous like the rest of H&M. I'm super excited to add these pieces to my wardrobe.
Stretch Mark: Still no stretch marks! PTL!!!
Belly Button In or Out: Still an innie....for now. (Does it ever become an outie or just disappear?)
Sleep: No major sleep issues with the body pillow. I can sleep leaning against a brick wall, so I wasn't too worried. Of course there's still another 20 weeks to go!
Best Moment of the Week: It was definitely discovering we had a healthy baby growing fast and furious and that our healthy baby is a boy! We are blessed beyond measure!
Movement: Steady movement! During our ultrasound we had a wiggly little worm on our hands. He's also stubborn and wouldn't roll over for the tech. No surprises there.
Food Cravings: No major cravings, but my appetite is increasing!
Gender: As I've said again and again in this one's a BOY! We're ready to start planning the nursery!!! Here's the link to my Pinterest board for the nursery...Dayton's Quarters.
What I miss: Not a lot!
What I'm looking forward to: Planning the nursery and holding our sweet boy for the first time!
Symptoms: Clumsy and forgetfulness are both creeping in! Yikes!
Emotions: This week was pretty stable. :)
Prayer (we are praying a whole host of things, including scripture, over this pregnancy and our Peanut every day -I thought I would share one from our list each week): This prayer wasn't originally on my list, but I decided it's never too soon to start praying for our little Dayton's future wife! Whether conceived or not, she's already precious to us and we pray the Lord blesses her as she grows up to be the woman God intended for her to be!