
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lincoln: 6 Months

I'm going to stop apologizing for being late on posting these! The pictures are surprisingly taken on your monthly birthday, so what am I really even apologizing for, right?

We've been so busy this winter / spring! We're ready for a slow down when Daddy is done with his first busy season -just in time to have lots of outdoor family time when the springlike weather decides to show up.

Here are your stats this month:
You turned 6 months on March 11th
Length - 27 inches
Weight - 17 pounds 1 ounces

Here is a recap of your first 6 months in pictures, Lincoln, and my have you grown!

You and your 6 month pictures didn't quite cooperate -just kidding! You're a ham and love that camera!

Here's what you've been up to this month:
-Well, I thought you would be sleeping in your own room and yet here we another month bigger and still in the co-sleeper. There's always next month!
-You are sitting up assisted. Yay!
-You love sitting in your laundry basket to play with all your toys (pic below). It has really helped you learn to sit up and get the weight off of that big noggin we love so much.
-We started practicing baby sign language -"milkie" and "all done."
-Songs we've been singing: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Honey Bunch Song, This is the Day (we love the updated version from our favorite Boombox Kids) and Amazing Grace.
-We survived the 4 months sleep regression that lasted until almost 6 months! You're back to sleeping between 9 & 10 hours at night! Woo hoo!!!
-Your first Valentine's Day was super cute in coordinating ocean life v-day shirts designed and made by our friend Audrey at Gracie J Designs. I'm loving coordinating these sweet boys!

Here are a few more pictures from your month:
{My sweet Valentines!}

{Blurry, but sweet selfie with mama and daddy}

{Bubba teaching you how to color while mama cooks -a typical weeknight}

{All smiles!}

{Having fun in your basket -thanks Nana for the great idea!}

We can't believe we've made it halfway through your first year! It's flying by little boy and we are soaking it all up!
