
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Lincoln: 7 Months

You turned 7 months on April 11th. We are loving your sweet & feisty spirit, little boy! The theme of the last month was, "Thank goodness you're cute!" As in, you were not letting Mama sleep. Praying we're on to better days --errr, nights!

Your pictures this month are just the sweetest.

{You just want to be held - all the time} 

{"Don't take my elephant."} 

Here's what you've been up to this month:
-You want to stand -all the time. Those legs are always so stiff!
-Miss Jannah came to visit all the way from Washington DC. She was so happy to meet you!
-You sat up unassisted for the first time on April 2 and have only had a couple of wobbly tumbles to the ground.
-You lost your title as baby of the family on Daddy's side. We welcomed sweet baby Elsie to the family this month!
-On March 15 you had your first taste of egg yolk and weren't too sure about it! We've tried a few more times, and you're starting to warm up to it.
-You and Mama took a little drive to Canandaigua to meet friends for lunch. You were quite the little ladies man!
-Your first Easter was a hit! We went to Wickham Farms for a fun afternoon with cousins on Saturday. Then on Sunday we went to church, opened Easter baskets and had a full afternoon of egg hunting and family at Grandpa & Nana's house, followed by more fun at Grammie & Grampa's house.
-Nana and Pa came for a whole week to visit at the end of March. You love them so much -and look so much like your Pa!
-Aunt Kiki helped us with our first successful back carry! You loved being able to look over my shoulder at all that was going on around us.
-To celebrate ringing in 7 months, you spent the night in your nursery and only woke up once to eat. Woo hoo!

Here are a few pictures from our fun month:

You sure are one of the best things about our little family. So much joy in the midst of so much busy. Thank you for making us slow down and snuggle every now and then!