
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dayton: 6 months!!!

We've made it half way!!!! This post is 2 weeks late. We were prepping for Nana and Pa's arrival and then enjoying their time here with us. It was so lovely to have them around -more on that in a later post. Anyway, we've made it and kept you alive for 6 whole months! Happy and healthy, too!

We are tired, exhausted and in so much love with you, Dayton!!! I honestly don't know if there is a happier baby. You think we are so funny, light up when we walk into a room and love to snuggle. Thank you for being our sweet, sweet boy!

Here are your stats for the month:

Weight: 16 lbs 3.7 oz (28th percentile)
Length: 25.5" (19th percentile)
Head: 44 cm (58th percentile)

{My how much you have changed -such a big boy now!}

Here's a look at what you were up to this months:
-You held your bottle on your own.
-Ate your first avocado -your face squirmed and then you decided you liked it and smiled.
-You've been sitting up assisted.
-You love jamming to the music in your exersaucer.
-Walks in the stroller are becoming one of your favorite adventures.
-First garage sale -you were such a hit with all the customers. Of course, they couldn't get over your red hair.
-Your Banana (Aunt Anna) and Mr. Kevin came to baby sit -let's hope they come again after all your fussing.
-First wedding and trip to DC (this is also your 3rd trip by plane) for Mr. Dave & Miss Kate's wedding. We also got to introduce you to Joe, Jannah and Ellie and we all got to meet sweet baby Archer.
-Two new WubbaNubs were added to the collection after a long night without Mr. Font (elephant). We now have Simba (lion) and Clifford (dog). You love them all just the same so far!
-We are practicing lots of baby sign language. You try to do 'milk' and 'all done'. I'm hoping 'please' and 'thank you' are right behind them!
-Songs we've been singing: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Honey Bunch Song, Wheels on the Bus, Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art.

Here are a few more pictures of our fun month!

{Morning selfie}

{Playing in the attic}

{Family pictures at the park}

{Baby jack o'lantern}

{Family pic at the wedding}

{Baby's first avocado}

Love you, buddy!



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